Dzholdasbekova Bayan Umirbekovna (03/01/1962), professor of the department of Russian philology and world literature, doctor of philological sciences, dean of the philological faculty of the Kazakh National University. al-Farabi, a famous scientist, a leading expert in the field of Russian literature in Kazakhstan. In 1983 she graduated with honors from the Faculty of Philology of Kazakh State University. CM. Kirov. In 1983-1985. was a research intern, 1985-1987. – postgraduate student of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature of KazPI named after. Abaya. After graduating from graduate school, she worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature at secondary school No. 90 in Almaty. In 1988-1992 held the position of junior researcher at the Institute of Literature and Art named after. M. Auezov Academy of Sciences of the KazSSR. In 1993-1998. – Head of the HR Department of the State Joint Stock Company for Tourism “Yassawi”. In 1998-2001 – Consultant of the Department of International Relations and Protocol of the Office of the Mazhilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From December 2000 to March 2003 – Rector of the University of World Literature and Journalism; 2003-2007 - Vice-Rector of the University. Kunaeva. Since 2003 - Associate Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature, from December 2003 to December 2006, doctoral student at KazNU. al-Farabi; 2007- 2008 - Professor of the Department of Theory, World Literature and Folklore Studies; 2008- 2020 – Head of the Department of Russian Philology and World Literature; from September 2020 to the present, dean of the philological faculty of KazNU. al-Farabi. She has published more than 300 scientific papers, of which 19 are textbooks, 12 monographs, 22 articles in journals included in the Scopus database, 2 articles in journals included in the Web of Science database and other scientific journals with a non-zero impact factor. Dzholdasbekova B.U. has scientific recognition in the country and abroad, her scientific degree is recognized in Russia Council of KazNU, member of the dissertation council of St. Petersburg State University for awarding the scientific degree of candidate and doctor of philological sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia), editor-in-chief of the KazNU Bulletin “Philological Series”, member of the editorial board of the VolSU Bulletin (RF, Volgograd), member of the editorial board of the RUDN University Bulletin (RF, Moscow), head of fundamental research projec


Educational institution


Expiration date

КазНУ им. аль-Фараби

Academic degree

Name of the scientific degree
Branch of science
Graduation Date

Academic rank

Name of academic title
Date of assignment
State Prizes
Prize Name Date of award
Знак "Почетный работник образования Республики Казахстан" 29/05/2014
Государственный грант "Лучший преподаватель вуза" 2008 года 18/02/2009
Государственный грант "Лучший преподаватель вуза" в 2015 году
Орден "Курмет"

Author Documents


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